Who will have the most perfect crown before the time elapses?
Designed ahead of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee but suitable for any day of the year, this board game challenges players to name the musical note lengths or give the number of beats they represent. Players travel around the board collecting and colouring the gems on their crowns, with the most decorated crown winning. The game takes five to 10 minutes; you can choose how much time to put on the timer to suit your lesson.
There are two levels.
Level 1:
- Crotchets/quarter notes
- Minims/half notes
- Dotted minims/dotted half notes
- Semibreves/whole notes
Level 2:
- Semiquavers/sixteenth notes
- Quavers/eighth notes
- Dotted quavers/dotted eighth notes
- Crotchets/quarter notes
- Dotted crotchets/dotted quarter notes
- Minims/half notes
- Dotted minims/dotted half notes
- Semibreves/whole notes