My First Hands Together Piano Sight Reading



Some students find the transition from Grade 1 sight reading, where only one hand is played at a time, to Grade 2 sight reading, where the hands often play together, to be a sudden change. This book is born out of individual pages that I started
writing for one of my students to introduce her very gradually to sight reading with both hands together as none of the books I could find had enough easy examples. Now a complete digital book of 185 sight reading examples that increase in difficulty very gradually, it is perfect for the students who need more time to build their confidence and ability.

All of the examples are in five finger positions, the hands never having to move within the piece. I have followed the ABRSM Grade 2 sight parameters for sharps and flats, time signatures and note range. The rhythms have been kept simple. This book is the ideal precursor to working on Grade 2 standard pieces.



  • 185 sight reading examples. That’s more than enough to do three a week for an entire year!
  • Simple pieces with the emphasis on a very slow, gradual increase in difficulty
  • Examples with right hand and left hand melodies
  • 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time
  • Up to two sharps or two flats


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